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Reasons to install the HANDLER Regal Material Controller on your Batch Plant:
1. Next feed starts before belt is cleared of pervious material. Programmable
2. Belt running monitor & alarm w/ feeding belt(s) shut down
3. Belt overflow monitor & alarm w/ feeding belt(s) shut down
4. Belt tracking monitor & alarm w/ feeding belt(s) shut down
5. Belt material flow monitoring
6. Turn head plugged monitor & alarm w/ feeding belt(s) shut down
7. Automatic, semi automatic or full manual operation from CRT keyboard
8. An automatic short fill feed cycle, to keep plant in production should plant run out of material.
9. Timed fill from any gate to any overhead bin
10. Emergency high bin overfill monitoring of bins
11. Maximum bin fill time entry for each bin
12. Automatic vibrator for all sands gates
13. Automatic on belt water spray for all rock gates
14. Automatic rotate to a gate of like material, if any, when feed gate is out of material (16
per bin)
15. The last gate to feed will feed first in the next feed cycle.
16. Material contamination on belt monitor & alarm w/ shutdown
17. Controller supports a 360 or reversible turn head(s) and a 360 Reversable
turn head(s)
18. With reversible turn head, belt's produce at maximum productivity, utilizing minimum
belt space.
19. All controller 'SET UP' is programmed at PC
20. Automatic bin fill skip feature, if feed gates are out of material
21. Turn head position limit switch 'Stuck On' monitor & alarm w/ feeding belt(s) shut down
22. Manual station on I/O Box w/ lights & manual switches
23. Color graphics display for monitoring plant operation
24. Voice prompting of plant errors
25. Logging of all plant errors for 364 days
26. To save wiring cost, plant I/O Box w/PLC, may be installed at plant in a
suitable environment
27. Multiple Manual Switch & Light Stations can be added
28. PLC is manufactured be G.E., a Major manufacture of PLC's
29. Remote or off site control of plant by modem
30. Automatic time entry setup mode for all gates, belts and turn
32. Backup of system setup Data to hard drive and floppy disk
33. Emergency low bin fill monitoring of bins
34. Automatic Belt Pan watering and timing ON and OFF
35. Analog Bin Hi & Low Inputs
36. Priority Bin fill search
37. Bin to Fill Sequence is settable, 3,2,5,6,4,1, or assign a priority number to selected bins.
Plus many other Standard features.
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